screen reader

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Wed May 31 16:31:37 BST 2006

Fco. Javier Dorado Martínez wrote:
> Hi all 
> Yes, in the live CD the speech is unavailable at first boot, I think there's a problem loading the screen reader before the sound system is available. 
> Try to quit from the screen reader by pressing alt + q and then reloading it again
> press alt + f2 and then type gnopernicus + enter 
> Now the speech must be available. You have to check the sound volume too, I have the problem of getting the volume too low at startup, this is a thing that We need to improve in the next release.
Yes, some users are experiencing problems with speech on boot. It seems 
to be related to the sequence in which things are started (which has 
been 'optimised' on the live CD). Logging out (and waiting 10 seconds) 
for it to log itself back in seems to bring speech back up.

Unfortunately we will not be able to fix this properly for dapper.

- Henrik

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