[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "KubuntuAccessibility" by JonathanRiddell

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 23 15:47:30 BST 2006

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The following page has been changed by JonathanRiddell:

  == Implementation ==
+ Edit casper to load profiles equivalent to that done on the Ubuntu.
+  * Lesser Visual Imparement
+   * Enlarged, no high contrast theme
+   * High contrast, not inverted
+   * Plain background
+   * Magnifier
+  * Moderate Visual Imparement
+   * High contrast theme, inverted, large
+   * Kttsmngr
+  * Minor Motor Difficulties 
+   * Sticky keys
+   * Onscreen feedback for sticky keys
+  * Motor Difficulties - Pointing Devices
+   * Possibly Henrick's SOK project
+   * Possibly kmousetool?
+  * Blindness
+   * Not possible yet
  === Code ===
+ Put configuration files for profiles into kubuntu-default-settings in separate directories from the normal default-settings.  Casper will then edit /etc/kderc to add the appropriate profile directories to prefixes=.
- == Outstanding issues ==
- == BoF agenda and discussion ==
- Create a good high contrast colour scheme.
- See https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/livecd-access
- kttsd needs festival?  Can it be in main? (festival is in main)

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