getting orca included in gnome 2.16

Luke Yelavich themuso at
Mon Jun 12 23:38:54 BST 2006

On Sun, Jun 11, 2006 at 10:08:36PM EST, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> Jason Grieves wrote:
> >With that said I have talked to some friends about the Linux screen reader.
> >They feel that LSR is comparable to Orca currently, and will surpass it in
> >the future.  The difference lies in the scripting capability.  Although 
> >both
> >screen readers will surpass Gnopernicus, LSR provides a higher abstraction
> >than Orca.  Orca relies heavily on the at-spi layer, and if that layer
> >changes, the majority of its scripts will break.  However the LSR scripts
> >that users make should be fine, with a couple of touchups to lower levels 
> >of
> >the code.
> >  
> Jason, you've mentioned this a few times. Any chance you or the LSR team 
> could prepare some an Ubuntu .deb so those of us who are not seasoned 
> devs could give it a try? :)

I should have some time in the next few days before I leave for Paris to 
put some debs together for people to have a play.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso at
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