Help troubleshooting major gnome-speech issue?

Fco. Javier Dorado Martínez javier at
Mon Jul 10 09:20:05 BST 2006

Hi to all

Al, try to disable the ESD sound system. Goto the menu, system, 
preferences, sound and uncheck the checkbox using ESD.

:On Sun, Jul 09, 
2006 at 11:32:05PM -0400, Al Puzzuoli wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm seeing some really major weirdness on my dapper system, I believe with gnome-speech, but I'm not even sure whether gnome-speech itself is the culprit.
> Basically, what happens is that upon booting my machine, I log into gnome, and then get no speech when attempting to run Orca or gnopernicus, either with Festival or Fonix DECtalk.
> A couple interesting points.  This issue does not occur 100% of the time.  If I reboot 5 times, I would say 4 out of the 5 times, I get no speech, and then the fifth time, everything is fine.  When the problem does occur, if I issue the reboot command from a virtual console, then speech momentarily starts as processes are being shut down.
>   If I run test-speech before ever logging into X, both Festival and DECtalk consistently work as expected.
> I've tried rebuilding gnome-speech, but to no avail.
> i'm typically not one to shy away from a bit of troubleshooting, but the frustrating thing is that I really don't have anything to sink my teeth into.  I have spoken to others who have had similar problems, but for the most part, the lack of speech seems to be the exception rather than the rule, where as on my system, the opposite is the case.
> If anyone can offer ideas, they would be very much appreciated.  At this point, I'm becoming increasingly tempted to torch the whole thing and simply reinstall, but I  hate leaving problems like this unresolved.
> --Al

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