Demo for a11y apps in Teleton

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Wed Jul 5 10:22:43 BST 2006

Mauricio Hernandez Z. wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I have been invited to demo Edubuntu to a Chilean institution called
> 'Teleton' that helps children or any person with accessibility issues,
> esp. people with 1 less leg or arm, tetraplegic and cuadraplegic, etc.
> Also, sometimes, they provide assistance to deaf or blind people.
> Basically, they teach how to use protesis, how to develop self
> confidence, etc.
> So far, they feel Edubuntu is a great alternative for the Labs they want
> to implement all over the country (13 regions). However, they'd like to
> see and try a11y apps.
> I have told them that there is this a11y team, where there is
> developers, testers, and friends, who know a lot about a11y apps.
> development (not me yet).
> So, could you please provide me with videos, leaflet, or any material I
> could use for a demo, considering I have no clue about how to promote
> the use of a11y apps. A video would be great as I could also show how
> a11y developers work.

When will this be? You should definitely demo SOK and dasher for them. 
SOK isn't packaged yet, but it's easy to install from the tarball:

Also show how the Live CD can be booted into different modes. There is 
also some basic information on the main website now:

I've done some collaboration with AbilityNet, which is a group doing 
similar stuff in the UK:

- Henrik

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