Demo for a11y apps in Teleton
Mauricio Hernandez Z.
mhz.chile at
Tue Jul 4 22:19:43 BST 2006
Dear friends,
I have been invited to demo Edubuntu to a Chilean institution called
'Teleton' that helps children or any person with accessibility issues,
esp. people with 1 less leg or arm, tetraplegic and cuadraplegic, etc.
Also, sometimes, they provide assistance to deaf or blind people.
Basically, they teach how to use protesis, how to develop self
confidence, etc.
So far, they feel Edubuntu is a great alternative for the Labs they want
to implement all over the country (13 regions). However, they'd like to
see and try a11y apps.
I have told them that there is this a11y team, where there is
developers, testers, and friends, who know a lot about a11y apps.
development (not me yet).
So, could you please provide me with videos, leaflet, or any material I
could use for a demo, considering I have no clue about how to promote
the use of a11y apps. A video would be great as I could also show how
a11y developers work.
Best regards,
Mauricio Hernandez Z.
* Ubuntu Memeber *
mhz at
Cel: (56+8) 749 6071
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