Further problems with speech implementation.

Luke Yelavich themuso at themuso.com
Thu Feb 16 11:56:16 GMT 2006

Hi all
For those who weren't at the meeting, we discussed various aspects of 
implementation for the live CD, and the GUI install. A couple of issues 
were raised conserning the implementation of speech for gnopernicus. 
From further discussion with Daniel Holbach, it seems that there is more 
to do than first thought. The following is a summary of what has been 
discussed so far, including the first implementations, up to my 
conversation this evening.

* An option on the gfxboot screen was created for people to select 
various accessibility profiles to be loaded when the live CD boots.
* One of these involves loading a screen reader with synthesized speech 
for access to GNOME and the installer.
* The necessary settings for these profiles to be activated are not yet 
implemented, but it was decided to put flite on the CD rather than 
festival, due to disk space constraints, as flite is much smaller.
* It was determined that gnome-speech does not have a driver for flite, 
so an alternate way of interfacing flite with gnopernicus was suggested, 
this being to use a newly developed driver for gnome-speech to interface 
with speech-dispatcher. Speech-dispatcher can interface with flite. This 
would require either waiting for a new gnome-speech release, or patching 
the current package with CVS code containing the speech-dispatcher 
* Speech-dispatcher 0.6 has not yet entered Debian sid, and 0.6 is the 
only version that the gnome-speech driver will work with. In order for 
us to use it, we need to upgrade the package in universe to 0.6, and get 
it promoted to main.
* In order to prevent festival from being pulled in when gnome-speech is 
included, we need to split one or both gnome-speech drivers from the 
core gnome-speech packages to prevent this from happening. 
Speech-dispatcher itself doesn't have many dependancies, the biggest one 
being flite.
* Daniel mentioned that feature freeze is fast approaching, and all this 
needs to be packaged up, and tested on all three architectures.

So as you can see, this might be more difficult than we first thought. 
Daniel, if I have missed anything, please bring it up or correct me.

Henrik, I am very interested in your opinion about all of this. If 
anybody else has anything to say, please speak up, as we need to get 
something sorted for the release ASAP.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso at themuso.com
ICQ: 18444344
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