Large high-contrast mouse cursors

Jason Grieves jasongrieves at
Wed Feb 15 15:28:22 GMT 2006

Big cursors tested and worked in Dapper, I guess I didn't get this on a
wiki.  They have been replaced as the old cursors in X were not dynamic and
required a restart of X to appear.  Big-cursor package creates the new
cursor but must be specified in the font files, etc.  

I have the link you have bookmarked from past research.  I found those to be
good for low vision use.  I also feel the xcursor-themes to be pretty good.
As a low vision user I can pop into the largest red and at least have better
luck than the small black/white ones by default.  Maybe I just can't see the

On a clean install of ubuntu, I have a number of accessibility packages I
install.  The mouse cursors you described below (xcursors and the ones in
the link) as well as luke's gnome-mag package.

Definitely add whatever we can!  If you build it, they will come.  

Jason Grieves

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-accessibility-bounces at
[mailto:ubuntu-accessibility-bounces at] On Behalf Of Henrik
Nilsen Omma
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 9:44 AM
To: ubuntu-accessibility at; ubuntu-desktop at
Subject: Large high-contrast mouse cursors

With the high-visibility boot option on the Live CD we should include a 
large cursor theme (as well as the high contrast theme).

So I've tried the 'big-cursor' package, which doesn't seem to do 
anything (no new cursors appear in Mouse Preferences -> Pointers (it 
installs a cursor font -- is this an outdated method that doesn't change 
the cursors in gnome?)

'xcursor-themes' results in very many choices (too many really) of red 
and white cursors. Trouble is that these are quite transparent, which 
while it is a cool effect, is probably not ideal for those who need high 

Looks like these might be more suitable:

Can we package these for dapper?

- Henrik

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