Ubuntu: from 1% to 50%

Armand CORBEAUX acorbeaux at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 23:19:28 GMT 2006

Hello with all, I am new in the project of utilisability of Ubuntu.
First thing to be made:  to explain which I am.

I am consultant as councils for the direction of companies, in all spheres
of activities.

I hoipe that you will not see me as a "nightmare", because I'm neither a
developer, neither a programmer, nor having an unspecified relationship to
computers, except through mine.

I started to know linux with Redhat 3 and I observed the evolutions of the
distributions in time.

YES Ubuntu is a great distribution, because it's more simple without root
YES Ubuntu has make an overall progress in term of effectiveness.

Now if Ubuntu wishes to make a progress in term of accessibility, the
developers must accept the fact that the distribution is addressed to a
"stupid" public.

Because I wish to contribute to Ubuntu's development, I will give you my
ideas, in my next submissions, to make this operating system installable and
usable by the generation of our parents, without any questions.

I hope that my work will interest you.
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