Edgy Accessibility features

Luke Yelavich themuso at themuso.com
Sat Apr 22 15:16:40 BST 2006

On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 12:08:59AM EST, Hynek Hanke wrote:
> We think a better approach for the future would be to add Speech
> Dispatcher support to Orca. It does not mean Orca would need to
> abandon Gnome Speech for that reason. To my knowledge, Orca
> is prepared to have multiple backends. It would be great if
> this would be done.

Multiple back-ends does indeed sound like a better idea.

> Yes, a configuration interface would be nice. Not just for Dispatcher
> but also for things like Festival.


> Luke Yelavich writes:
> > KDE are planning to use speech-dispatcher for their back-end. IMO Sun 
> > were stupid in creating gnome-speech, although I am pretty sure they did 
> > it at a time when there wasn't really anything else.
> Not stupid. The two things started to be developed in parallel without
> knowing much about each other. Since then, the intention is to unify.
> But it is complicated by the different design. Now we at least all
> decided to create TTS API, a low level interface to the speech engines
> drivers and share the drivers.

Perhaps I was a little quick and rash to say stupid. But I do still feel 
that SD is the future.

> > IMO we rip the gnome-speech support out of orca, and use speech-dispatcher
> > directly. I am pretty sure SD has python bindings, and speech-dispatcher
> > as far as I have seen is a ittle easier to program for.
> As I explained above, there is no need to rip gnome-speech support out
> of Orca to be able to add direct support for Speech Dispatcher. There
> are Python bindings for Speech Dispatcher. I don't think the whole
> task is very difficult.

Right. Is the preferred way to talk to SD via libspeechd, r TCP 
connection to the server?

> > I think there is also a FSG accsessibility mailing list, although I 
> > haven't looked for it yet. I will probably look into that sometime soon.
> There is also the ongoing work on TTS API from Brailcom, Gnome, KDE and
> several other accessibility projects. The main discussion place
> for that is the accessibility at freedesktop.org mailing list hosted
> on www.freedesktop.org . If somebody is interested to help, please
> join the list.

I'm also n that list, which is very low traffic as well.

Thanks for your input Hynek.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso at themuso.com
ICQ: 18444344
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