[u-a-dev] problem loading brltty in ubuntu 7.04

Sauro Cesaretti me at saurocesaretti.com
Fri Sep 28 16:55:21 BST 2007

Hello everyone,

I'm a new user of ubuntu and I don't know if I'm in the right list.
I have a problem loading the brltty support in ubuntu.
I have a baum supervario display connected to the usb interface and it seems
that the daemon reset the display every time that
I'm going to run the brltty daemon and
it never works properly in the end.
I tried to disconnect and reconnect again and it starts.
The problem is that I should exectute this pocedure everytime.
After that,I tried to download,compile and install the last version of
brltty  from the official website but
it seems that it's worst than before, because
it doesn't work even if I'm going to disconnect and reconect again.
I saw a kind of this problem in another distro but  it semms to work
correctly after that I updated the kernel.
Is there any possible way to avaoid to recompile the entire kernel?
Have you ever encountered this problem before?
I hope that you can help me
thanks in advance

best regards, Sauro

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