[u-a-dev] harmonizing on-screen keyboard progress
Steve Lee
steve at fullmeasure.co.uk
Wed Oct 25 16:57:50 BST 2006
There's some previous thoughts on this over at mozilla accessibility
Steve Lee
On 10/25/06, Henrik Nilsen Omma <henrik at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> David Bolter wrote:
> > Henrik, All,
> >
> > Hi. I'm just wondering if it might be helpful for everyone involved or
> > interested in free/open-source on-screen keyboard (or alternative input
> > software) development to get together in one place or on one phone call
> > to educate each other on our plans and ideas for best serving our users.
> >
> Hi David,
> I think that's a great idea. We have three different projects with
> similar goals but very different approaches, GOK, SAW and onBoard.
> It would be great cherry pick features from those and either work on
> some common code or at least try to find some synergies.
> I'll set up a wiki page where we can list what we know about the
> different approaches and future goals. If those interested in
> participating would sign up there we can look for a mode of
> communication next (the oats team had a fancy web-cam conference recently).
> Henrik
-- Steve Lee
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