[u-a-dev] feisty and at-spi 1.7.13

Joanmarie Diggs j-diggs at comcast.net
Fri Nov 17 18:23:30 GMT 2006

Hi folks.  

In the spirit of living dangerously, a week ago I changed my apt
sources.list over to feisty repositories.  So far so good overall.  A
recent update has been slightly problematic, however.   I assume it's
still a bit early to be filing on bugzilla, right?

With the latest updates installed, and AT support enabled for my
username, I *always* get the following dialog upon boot:

"Assistive Technology Support has been request for this session, but the
accessibility registry was not found.  Please ensure that the AT-SPI
package is installed.  Your session has been started without assistive
technology support."

*With at-spi 1.7.12 installed*, I can click the OK button, gdm loads as
expected, Orca works when I launch it, etc.

*With at-spi 1.7.13 installed*, when I click the OK button, I get a new
login dialog, login, get the same error, etc.  It's an endless loop.

If this is already known, never mind. :-)  And I can totally live with
the dialog and at-spi 1.7.12 for now.  However, if anyone happens to
know why I'm getting this error and how it can be resolved, that would
be great!

Thanks and take care.

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