TB: Urgent Escalation of DMB Member Removal / New Vote Decision due to DMB Stalemate

Thomas Ward teward at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 8 18:33:53 UTC 2022

On 2/8/22 13:25, Steve Langasek wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> Thanks for your summary of the issue.
> When I look at this matter, the first question I have is a different
> governance one:  why does the DMB believe that it has the authority to pass
> its own policies removing members from the DMB?  I see that the DMB has for
> some time been running its own elections, which seems fine as this is
> effectively an administrative thing; but I don't think members of the DMB
> have the authority to remove other members of the DMB, even for inactivity,
> who have been elected by the Ubuntu Developers at large.
> I certainly think it would be improper for the TB to pass such a policy for
> itself, as well.
> So I think any such policy for removal of inactive DMB members needs to be
> ratified by the TB (as the body which delegated the DMB) or, if you want to
> skip-level, the CC.

With my CC hat on since I'm on the Community Council (CCing the Council 
as we were referenced):

Unless the TB chooses to not make a decision on this and would like to 
escalate it for the Community Council to decide whether policy was 
violated, whether this needs CC ratification of activity policies, etc., 
I believe that the CC would likely instead bounce it back to the TB for 
handling, as the Developer Membership Board's direct governance is the 
Technical Board before it would get to the Community Council.

And while I don't think there's any problem with the TB choosing to 
escalate it to the CC as a governance decision issue, that needs a TB 
agreement to escalate it to the Community Council, at which point the 
Community Council would be willing to handle this.

(And, generally speaking, skipping the proper chain of governance and 
leadership is a faux pax in my eye, generally, so things need to be 
handled in the proper chain of escalation before skipping straight to 
the Community Council (the only exception at the moment being LoCo stuff 
since the LoCo council is unstaffed, making the Community Council the 
next one to handle LoCo disputes))

> <snipped remaining quote for brevity>
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