What is this list for?

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 20 12:13:28 UTC 2021

A couple of people have pointed out to me that the list description
isn't clear. It currently just says[1]:

> This is a list for the members of the Ubuntu Technical Board so they
> may be contacted directly.

To help prevent future accidents and following the example set by the
list descriptions for ubuntu-devel@ and ubuntu-devel-discuss@ (copy
below for reference) I propose that we change this to:

 * Deliberations between Ubuntu Technical Board members
 * Point of contact to reach the Ubuntu Technical Board
 * Open to all to subscribe, posting moderated for non-subscribers

Most decisions in Ubuntu are made directly by consensus between Ubuntu
developers, discussed on the ubuntu-devel mailing list as necessary. The
technical board mailing list is intended for use only when the usual
decision-making routes are inappropriate, have been exhausted, or
decisiveness is otherwise required.

(I'm not sure I'm happy with the wording in the last paragraph;
suggestions appreciated)

For reference, ubuntu-devel@ and ubuntu-devel-discuss@ are described as

ubuntu-devel@ list description[2]:

 * Discussions among Ubuntu developers about their projects
 * Developer questions about Ubuntu policies and procedures
 * Discussions seeking consensus among Ubuntu developers
 * Point of contact for upstream developers to reach Ubuntu developers
 * Open to all to subscribe, posting moderated for people who are not
   Ubuntu developers

See the ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list for unmoderated discussion
about the development of Ubuntu.

ubuntu-devel-discuss@ list description[3]:

 * Sharing of experiences with the current development branch of Ubuntu
 * Technical questions about new features in the development branch
 * Ideas and suggestions about future development of Ubuntu
 * Point of contact for Ubuntu users to reach Ubuntu developers
 * Open to all to subscribe, posting moderated for non-subscribers

[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/technical-board
[2] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel
[3] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-discuss
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