Matters approaching

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Fri May 23 09:46:13 UTC 2014

Hello all,

sorry for the really late answer to this. This is probably better
matter for an interactive discussion than email, but let's write it
down anyway.

Mark Shuttleworth [2014-03-18  5:59 -0700]:
>  * configuration in /etc/ and ways that can feel comfortable but remain
> secure

This is indeed one of the things where the phone, thanks due to its
(still) relatively limited focus, could get away with the current
approach of keeping most of /etc/ readonly. But this is not a solution
for a converged desktop:

 - /etc/ is *meant* to be writable, as that's the place to put
   configuration in. Our own list of exceptions shows that this is
   already hard enough for our relatively small and confined phone
   stack, but it will be impractical on a desktop and absolutely not
   fly in the server world. So I'm fairly convinced that in the
   converged world we need to provide a writable /etc/.

 - The "bind mount files" hack totally breaks file system semantics,
   and thus system services which needs to update them, backup/restore
   systems, revision control, etc. and introduces race conditions.  It
   also requires us to carry nasty hacks and hard to maintain
   workarounds in e. g. timedated, and probably breaks a lot of other
   packages which we just haven't discovered yet with the phone-only

As Stéphane already investigated and pointed out, the currently
existing file-level overlay file systems don't cut it. They still are
too buggy/limited (we run into test failures with them all the time,
and e. g. overlayfs doesn't provide inotify), and equally importantly,
they are not available on the Android kernels. Block-based overlays
don't help either, so I think we need to come up with a pure userspace
solution here.

For example, whenever we do a system upgrade we could check which
files in /etc/ have been modified/added/removed (look at mtime,
hashes, or keep the pristine /etc somewhere else and diff with that),
store that delta, do the upgrade, and reapply it. That would
essentially be "overlay fs" without kernel support. Sure, it might
take a few seconds to do that computation and file system copying, but
in the context of a system upgrade that should hardly matter. But
there is no runtime overhead at all with this.

>  * the meaning of /usr/local/ in this sort of environments

This seems one of the easy parts to me. As the distro and /local bits
have always been rather stricly separated, this should just be a
writable path which we never touch. Do you see anything difficult

>  * the use of LVM and other filesystem capabilities to enable user
> customisation

In terms of general upgrade safety in the .deb world, the LVM/snapshot
thing might indeed be useful; with that we could offer to undo the
upgrade if it fails or the user doesn't like the result. But that's a
separate (and equally complicated) matter, so we should keep that as a
separate discussion.

I don't think that block based snapshot/revert/overlay solutions are
any help here. They might of course be nice for different problems,
like dynamically extending your device's storage space with hotplugged
drives, but they don't do anything to solve the "install system images
and deb packages side by side" problem.

For that I think the only viable direction is to split the dpkg
database, i. e. a logical r/o "underlay" of /var/lib/dpkg/. The
readonly part (e. g. /lib/system-image/dpkg/) would be shipped in the
system image and defines the packages which you can never uninstall.
dpkg needs to be modified to work on /var/lib/dpkg/ as usual, but also
take the readonly part into account in terms of the status,
info/*.list, etc. files. With that you have a single consistent view
of packages including dependency management, with the only restriction
that you can't remove/upgrade packages which are in the readonly part.

With that the upgrade of the system image could in theory
break/conflict with additionally installed packages. So after that we
probably should run apt-get -f install etc. to clean up, or maybe
upgrade/change deb packages according to the base image changes. As we
already know which system image packages will be there even before we
start the upgrade, we could even do this computation before, and
warn/abort if it's not going to work.  That shouldn't happen too often
though, as we should try to not include packages which are prone to
cause conflicts into the sytem image.

With that combination we of course don't get the rock-solid and atomic
upgrades that we have one the phone as soon as you start using deb
packages. But it's not any worse than on current desktop/servers where
everything is .deb, and I think that's all that we can possibly
achieve here. It's probably better as all the crucial bits for booting
*are* in the system image, so breaking your machine to the point of
not being bootable any more should become a lot less likely than it is

Implementing that is of course no small task, but I don't see a
solution which is significantly simpler and still combines the system
image and deb package worlds in an useful manner.

The other half of this to consider are the installed files. I don't
think that we need to do particular measures to ensure that these
files are readonly: As long as we ensure in dpkg/apt that the files
don't get changed through these tools, any changes which an admin does
to the files will just be silently reverted on the next system image
upgrade. But that's exactly the same behaviour that we have always had
in any dpkg/rpm based system.



Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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