Technical Board restaffing

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Mon Sep 30 21:06:45 UTC 2013


in today's meeting we discussed a proposal from Micah to make
~ubuntu-core-dev membership a prerequisite for joining the TB
(proposal and email discussion at [1], meeting notes at [2]). In
summary, the TB does not want to (or probably is not even able to)
making this a hard requirement, but wants to formally recommend to you
that non-core-dev members should be considered "unusal" and have a
good justification (like Matt Zimmerman voluntarily relinquishing his
core-dev powers).

Also, would you like to have a public call for nominations like in
2011 [3]? As time is running out this should not be too long (perhaps
one week?); I can help with tracking the proposals and sending you the
collected results.


The Ubuntu Technical Board
p. p. Martin Pitt

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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