Streamlining package set management

Iain Lane laney at
Mon Oct 10 20:27:36 UTC 2011

Hi there,

An issue highlighted in the developer survey was that package set
management is a bit too bureaucratic. We just discussed this at the DMB
meeting[0] and I proposed some relatively minor changes to the process
that should streamline it a bit.

  - As a matter of policy, each package set has a single uploader, which
    is a team. The DMB can either handle applications to the team or
    delegate to an appopriate council if one is set up.
  - Applications for new package sets must come with some clear criteria
    that the DMB can apply when adding subsequent packages in future.
    The criteria must make it clear how the DMB is to check whether
    proposed additions are suitable. The criteria forms part of the
    package set application, along with the initial list of packages,
    and will be recorded in the uploader team's description.
  - Package additions are done by requesting on devel-permissions. Any
    DMB member will check against the criteria and add if it matches (or
    feed back if not).

  - (Added since the meeting) Requests for package additions will be
    aged for three(?) days on devel-permissions, in order to allow time
    for DMB members to object. If there are objections that cannot be
    resolved over email then the matter will be taken to the next DMB

TB & DMB, what do you think of this? If you like you can discuss it at
the next TB meeting. I'll add the outcome to [1], which seems like the
most appropriate page. Micah volunteered to mail all existing teams to
come up with criteria if that goes through.


Iain Lane                                  [ iain at ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ]
PhD student                                       [ ial at ]

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