CouchDB SRU exception

John Rowland Lenton john.lenton at
Tue Nov 30 03:27:17 GMT 2010

Hi all,

We've been working to address the different issues that were raised
during the last techboard meeting wrt the couchdb sru:

 * We asked developers (via ubuntu-devel, ubuntuone-users, and twitter;
   the latter was picked up by couchdb also) to fill out a survey
   relative the SRU. The results we had until yesterday were 106

    I use or have users using CouchDB in Lucid, please do this = 48%
    I use or have users using CouchDB in Lucid, please don't do this = 6.6%
    I use or have users using CouchDB in Lucid, and I don't know how it
      would affect me = 6.6%
    I only use it via desktopcouch, so it won't affect me = 16%
    I don't use nor have users using CouchDB in Lucid = 22.6%

   I'll be sending updated results tomorrow.

 * The popularity contest information has 499867 entries for couchdb-bin
   and 499419 for desktopcouch, and only 5655 for couchdb itself. This
   means that the enormous majority of users use couchdb via

 * the changes needed to be made to couchdb apps to go from 0.10 to
   1.0 are documented in on the couchdb wiki at

 * while we can introduce a couchdb-1.0-bin package into 10.04 to
   address this issue, we can't really make it co-exist on the same
   machine wiht a 0.10 couchdb-bin, so it would have to conflict with
   it; additionally, we'd have to get a SRU for a client package in
   10.04 (either desktopcouch or ubuntuone-client would work) so that
   the 1.0 package gets pulled in, and an additional SRU for 10.10 to
   get the dependency fixed.

This is a pressing issue for us because the features that are not
functional because of this upgrade (which we had to do post 10.04 to be
able to scale to the number of users wanting to use the service, as well
as for the security concerns that were found along the way) and which
are driven by CouchDD replication, namely contact sync, reverse notes
sync and bookmarks sync, together with the syncing of any quickly apps
that use the couch-backed widgets, and other emerging features such as
OneConf, are critical to our differenciation; they are not “just
contacts sync”. There are at least 500k users (as per popcon) who are
unable to “just contact sync” because of this issue.

I think this is all. Thank you for your consideration,
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