Not installing changelogs in 11.04

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Mon Nov 15 09:33:51 GMT 2010

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 10:04:59AM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> * Matt Zimmerman <mdz at> [2010-11-10 12:15:11 CET]:
> > On Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 12:09:28PM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> > > From what I calculated, 25 mb were thrown around, which would be a
> > > bit more than 3% of a regular CD size - are these numbers correct?
> > > Is this difference worth the confusion?
> > 
> > The short answer is: yes.  Space on the Ubuntu Desktop Edition CD is very
> > tight.
>  Alright, for CDs I can understand, but I am not too sure wether the
> difference is really that much with respect to installation size.

Not hugely.  That isn't a particular priority for us (as in, it's
generally always less constrained than CD size, except on ARM systems
and the like).

> > >  This apt-changelog utility sounds quite helfpul. Is this going to get
> > > into the regular apt-utils package (within Debian) too?
> > 
> > and are currently
> > not compatible with one another, so apt-changelog might require a bit of
> > porting for Debian.
>  Actually, isn't the proper place,
> is the correct one - and they
> don't look that incompatible with each other. ;)
>  Anyways, we are even currently about to refactor the changelogs/ part
> of the packages site because the archive tools are extracing these
> information for us and we'll incorporate information from packages in
> backports and make it possible to later incorporate extractions from
> security too once they are available. In the light of that there might
> be an additional directory in there, saying debian, debian-backports and
> debian-security, but appart from that it will stay the same.
>  Please notice that we have a changelog.html and changelog.txt in there
> (and our changelog sends the proper encoding back - a thing you might
> want to fix on changelogs.ubuntu ;))
>  It might be interesting to work with the person that is responsible for
> - because I'm not too sure if this should really
> be kept seperate, or what the background for that was actually.

That's Michael Vogt.  I've added him to the CC list.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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