ubuntu-drivers revisited (Re: my membership in ubuntu-drivers is about to expire)
Jonathan Lange
jml at canonical.com
Wed May 26 12:04:23 BST 2010
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 8:39 PM, Matt Zimmerman <mdz at canonical.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 07:15:57PM +0100, Jonathan Lange wrote:
>> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Matt Zimmerman <mdz at canonical.com> wrote:
>> > I didn't hear back from anyone on this, and lost track of it meanwhile.
>> > What can be done about this problem?
>> >
>> > (please follow up to technical-board at lists.ubuntu.com)
>> >
>> Hello Matt, Marjo, Technical Board,
>> As far as I'm aware, the Launchpad team hasn't done anything to create
>> the new permission structures you need.
>> Each month, we seek input from each of the key stakeholders in
>> Launchpad, asking them what we should do next. If you would like to
>> get this done, your best bet is to convince the Platform team's
>> representative, Marjo, to convince us then. I'll also make a note to
>> make sure it gets considered.
>> FWIW, at the last meeting, we prioritized Software Center work for
>> Maverick and a more efficient build farm ahead of this permissions
>> restructuring, which in fact was not raised as an issue.
>> This is a new process, and we are working out the kinks (in
>> particular, it needs to be way more visible). However, I'm pretty
>> confident that it's going to be a great way for people to ask for
>> stuff and then *actually get it*.
> I am supportive of this new process, and we will continue to participate
> actively.
> Is there room in the new process for a dialog about concerns like this one,
> which may not be quite at the "convince someone to take action" stage, but
> more of the "generate ideas for how to deal with this problem" stage?
Talk about it on the Launchpad development list.
You may well find some resistance, since the Launchpad team has many,
many ideas on how to deal with the many problems that we have yet to
solve. Do you see much point in discussing ideas for how to do work
that we don't plan to do?
I don't like being a wet blanket, and would welcome positive suggestions.
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