Confusing intertwining of Ubuntu Development teams for Membership

Cody A.W. Somerville cody-somerville at
Mon Mar 8 15:35:24 GMT 2010

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Mark Shuttleworth <mark at> wrote:

> On 08/03/10 13:55, Matthew East wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 2:02 AM, Benj. Mako Hill <mako at> wrote:
> >
> >> <quote who="Emmet Hikory" date="Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 09:17:39AM +0900">
> >>
> >>>     The alternative to this move would be to add all current members
> >>> of Ubuntu Contributing Developers (~universe-contributors) to Ubuntu
> >>> Members (~ubuntumembers) and grant the Developer Membership Board
> >>> direct administration over Ubuntu Members (~ubuntumembers), in which
> >>> case Ubuntu Contributing Developers may be removed.
> >>>
> >> That makes sense to me. I don't understand the benefit of keeping the
> >> two distinct.
> >>
> > +1
> >
> -1. I think we should retain a delegated membership group that is
> developer-centric, rather than lump it all in ubuntumembers.

What about retaining these delegated membership groups but having each of
these groups have direct membership in ubuntumembers?  This would make the
relationship of these teams with ubuntumembers explicit which provides the
benefit of making it easier for the CC to keep track of the teams which do
grant membership as well as identify teams which weren't intended to give
membership but do incidentally.


Cody A.W. Somerville
Release Engineer
Foundations Team
Custom Engineering Solutions Group
Canonical OEM Services
Phone: +1-781-850-2087
Cell: +1-613-401-5141
Email: cody.somerville at
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