Establishing a CLI package set

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue Feb 23 13:36:29 GMT 2010

I've added this to the agenda for today's Technical Board meeting (1500 UTC)
at  The agenda is a bit long,
and I'm not sure if we will get to it, but if you are available, it would be
great if some of you could be on IRC during the meeting.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 10:58:43AM +0000, Iain Lane wrote:
> Dear members of the Technical Board,
> Inspired by Emmet's recent mail to ubuntu-motu[0], I would like to propose
> the creation of a package set for all CLI (~ mono) related packages.
> This is a set of packages for which the coordination betwen Debian and
> Ubuntu is very close and well-defined. Indeed it is a matter of pride that
> packages stay in sync between the two distributions. It is my
> understanding that this kind of delegation is one of the motivations
> behind the package set/archive reorganisation effort.
> The packages involved are, to a large extent, homogenous. They form a very
> neat closed set, and present their own unique challenges which are well
> understood by the members of the packaging team in Debian. The teams are
> active and energetic.
> I would expect that membership approvals for the team be delegated by the
> TB to the DMB, as there will be no formal governance structure in place.
> This seems like an ideal case for the establishment of a package set.
> For information, the packages involved will be:
>   antlr
>   autopano-sift
>   avahi-sharp
>   banshee
>   banshee-alarm-extension
>   banshee-coverwallpaper
>   banshee-extension-mirage
>   bansheelyricsplugin
>   bareftp
>   beagle
>   beagle-xesam
>   blam
>   bless
>   boo
>   cecil
>   cecil-flowanalysis
>   coco-cs
>   cowbell
>   db4o
>   dfo
>   drapes
>   evolution-sharp
>   f-spot
>   fsgateway
>   galaxium
>   gbrainy
>   gdata-sharp
>   gdcm
>   gfax
>   giver
>   gluezilla
>   gmime2.2
>   gmime2.4
>   gnome-desktop-sharp2
>   gnome-do
>   gnome-do-docklets
>   gnome-do-plugins
>   gnome-keyring-sharp
>   gnome-rdp
>   gnome-sharp2
>   gnome-subtitles
>   graphmonkey
>   gsf-sharp
>   gshare
>   gtk-sharp2
>   gtkglarea-sharp
>   gtwitter
>   hipo
>   hyena
>   ikvm
>   indicator-application
>   ipod-sharp
>   ironpython
>   kdebindings
>   last-exit
>   lat
>   launchpad-integration
>   libanculus-sharp
>   libflickrnet
>   libkarma
>   log4net
>   longomatch
>   mistelix
>   mono
>   mod-mono
>   mono-addins
>   mono-basic
>   mono-debugger
>   mono-fuse
>   mono-tools
>   mono-uia
>   mono-uia-atkbridge
>   mono-uia-winforms
>   mono-zeroconf
>   monobristol
>   monodevelop
>   monodevelop-boo
>   monodevelop-database
>   monodevelop-debugger-gdb
>   monodevelop-debugger-mdb
>   monodevelop-java
>   monodevelop-python
>   monodevelop-vala
>   muine
>   muinescrobbler
>   mysql-connector-net
>   mysql-connector-net-5.0
>   nant
>   ndesk-dbus
>   ndesk-dbus-glib
>   nemerle
>   nini
>   njb-sharp
>   nlog
>   notify-sharp
>   nunit
>   openbve
>   podsleuth
>   semweb
>   smartirc4net
>   smuxi
>   sublib
>   sysinfo
>   taglib-sharp
>   tangerine
>   taoframework
>   tasque
>   thelastripper
>   themonospot
>   tomboy
>   tomboy-blogposter
>   tomboy-latex
>   virtuoso-opensource
>   webkit-sharp
>   xsp
>   yahtzeesharp
>   youtranslate
>   zeroc-ice
> There is some crossover with other package sets, notably with mono itself,
> tomboy and f-spot. I do not expect this to be a problem, as the same
> individuals maintain the packages in Debian (to a greater or lesser
> extent).
> I nominate initial members to be the following set of Ubuntu developers,
> if they so wish it (Launchpad IDs):
>   sebner
>   directhex
>   raof
>   hyperair
>   laney
> Cheers,
> Iain
> [0]

> -- 
> technical-board mailing list
> technical-board at

 - mdz

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