[storm] storm Digest, Vol 36, Issue 3

Jorge Sierra asierra01 at gmail.com
Fri May 28 17:09:34 BST 2010

On the Json+Storm thing

from storm.locals import *
from storm.info import *
from storm.properties import *
import json

class Products(object):
    __storm_table__ = "products"
    __storm_primary__ = "lProductId"
    strName                     = Unicode(name = 'NAME')
    lProductId                  = Int (name = 'PRODUCTID')
    lVendorId                   = Int (name = 'VENDORID')
    m_strBarCode                = Unicode(name = 'BARCODE')
    strUnit                     = Unicode(name =
'UNIT')                               #; // Way the item is messure

   # blah blah blah a bunch of fields

    def __init__(self):
        print self

def PrintProductsJson():
   AllProducts = store.find(Products)
   print AllProducts.count()
   for products  in  AllProducts:

      # here I am printing a json string
      # it looks like a lot of work.... but it works
      # I guess you can create a dictionary with matching json id I will
return with the data

      print json.dumps({'PRODUCTID': products.lProductId,
                        'NAME': products.strName,
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