[storm] How to JSON encode a item from a ResultSet

Mario Zito mazito at analyte.com
Fri May 28 00:42:12 BST 2010

Just for the record, this is the right way to do it, in case it may be of
help to someone else:
*def encode_storm_object(object):*
*    ''' Serializes to JSON a Storm object*
*    *
*    Use:*
*        from storm.info import get_cls_info*
*        import json*
*        ...*
*        storm_object = get_storm_object()*
*        print json.dumps(storm_object, default=encode_storm_object)*
*            *
*    Warnings:*
*        Serializes objects containing Int, Date and Unicode data types*
*        other datatypes are not tested. MUST be improved*
*    '''*
*    if not hasattr(object, "__storm_table__"):*
*        raise TypeError(repr(object) + " is not JSON serializable")*
*    result = {}*
*    cls_info = get_cls_info(object.__class__)*
*    for name in cls_info.attributes.iterkeys():*
*        value= getattr(object, name)*
*        if (isinstance(value, date)): *
*            value= str(value)*
*        result[name] = value*
*    return result*

Mario A. Zito
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