[storm] First time raises exception; Second works.

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Wed Jan 9 12:19:07 GMT 2008

Hi Eduardo,

> Im finding problems on store. Someone could help me?
>>>> result = store.find(Matriculas, Matriculas.MatriculaNum.like(6)).one()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
>     result = store.find(Matriculas, Matriculas.MatriculaNum.like(6)).one()
>   File "D:\LabSisTemporal\Routines\GeoSQL\storm\store.py", line 191, in find
>     self.flush()

Notice that the error is related to *flushing* of previous changes, not to
your statement above.

> To solve the problem I have to use this:

This is a pretty bad workaround for a problem that is happening somewhere
else, perhaps related to schema (e.g. does your "name" column in the
database have no default value, and you're trying to create a Matricula
without one?)

To help you further, we'd need a self-contained test case.  IOW, a
test case in a single file showing the problem once executed.

> Sorry for my poor english.

Your english is pretty good.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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