[storm] First time raises exception; Second works.

Eduardo Willians edujurista at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 17:29:26 GMT 2008


Im finding problems on store. Someone could help me?

>>> result = store.find(Matriculas, Matriculas.MatriculaNum.like(6)).one()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
    result = store.find(Matriculas, Matriculas.MatriculaNum.like(6)).one()
  File "D:\LabSisTemporal\Routines\GeoSQL\storm\store.py", line 191, in find
  File "D:\LabSisTemporal\Routines\GeoSQL\storm\store.py", line 438, in flush
  File "D:\LabSisTemporal\Routines\GeoSQL\storm\store.py", line 472,
in _flush_one
    result = self._connection.execute(expr)
  File "D:\LabSisTemporal\Routines\GeoSQL\storm\database.py", line
182, in execute
    raw_cursor = self.raw_execute(statement, params)
  File "D:\LabSisTemporal\Routines\GeoSQL\storm\database.py", line
242, in raw_execute
  File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\cursors.py", line 166, in execute
    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
  File "C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\connections.py", line
35, in defaulterrorhandler
    raise errorclass, errorvalue
OperationalError: (1364, "Field 'Nome' doesn't have a default value")
>>> # Look. I'll try the same line but now it will work
>>> result = store.find(Matriculas, Matriculas.MatriculaNum.like(6)).one()
>>> result.Nome
u'Edson da Rocha Raimundo'

For some reason, this problem looks to happen only on that table. So
here is the table class code:


class Matriculas(object):
    __storm_table__ = "matriculas"
    MatriculaNum = Int(primary=True)
    Nome = Unicode()
    Identificacao = Unicode(name="Id") # TODO: Change name in DB
    Funcao = Unicode()
    NivelAcesso = Int()
    Pw = RawStr()


To solve the problem I have to use this:

            result = store.find(Matriculas, Matriculas.MatriculaNum.like(login))
            matric = result.one()
            # I dont why: at first store.find runnig on 'Matriculas' it
            # raises an exception. But at second it works fine.
            result = store.find(Matriculas, Matriculas.MatriculaNum.like(login))
            matric = result.one()

Sorry for my poor english.

Thanks anyway,


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