[storm] Exception handling

akira nhytro-python at web.de
Thu Sep 20 08:37:02 BST 2007

Thanks guys, great stuff Stuart, explanation and code. Although I have 
decide to check if the user exists first in the case I mentioned, I have 
other  places where I can use this.

Stuart Bishop wrote:
> akira wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> I am trying to handle exceptions returned from the DB API. For example, 
>> I have a UNIQUE constraint on a field, when I try to save an object that 
>> violates this I get this:
>> "duplicate key violates unique constraint"
>> So trying to handle the errors properly so that I can return the right 
>> error to the user I have done some testing:
>>  try:
>>             store.add(user)
>>             store.flush()          
>>  except Exception,e:
>>             print e.__class__.__name__       # this emits an 
>> "IntegrityError"
>>             print Exception.__str__(e)          # this print s"duplicate 
>> key violates unique constraint "users_username_key'"
>>             if Exception.__str__(e) == 'duplicate key violates unique 
>> constraint "users_username_key':
> You appear to me missing a double quote here.
> When sniffing PostgreSQL exceptions, I always just use
> str(e).startswith(...) or similar to match just a portion of the error
> rather than the entire thing. Its still flakey in the face of localized
> PostgreSQL installs and strings being changed across PG releases, but it is
> the best we can do with psycopg1 as the driver (I vaguely recall psycopg2
> making it so we no longer need to sniff the strings).
> So...
> try:
>     store.add(user)
>     store.flush()
> except psycopg.IntegrityError, c:
>     if 'violates unique constraint' in str(e):
>         print "Username is already taken."
>     else:
>         raise
>> Why does the first "if" conditional not work? Is this the right way to 
>> handle such a problem? Should I try to handle all the exceptions that 
>> might crop up? I am using postgresql, can I find all the defined 
>> Exceptional that I would like to handle there?
> I doubt you want to handle *all* of them:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/errcodes-appendix.html
> I suspect you just want to catch all the integrity errors and return a human
> readable string. Everything else is a programming or runtime error beyond
> the user's control. This will also catch not null and foreign key
> violations, which should never get as far as the DB. It also catches check
> constraint violations, which *ideally* shouldn't (Our check constraints are
> duplicated in Python on the app side, and the app side constraints are often
> stricter than the db ones since there is less overhead in changing or
> tweaking them. The DB constraints are really only there as a safety net).
> I haven't looked into how to use savepoints with Storm to avoid needing to
> rollback the entire transaction if an integrity error is triggered, but it
> should be simple enough if you always ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT <savepoint> on
> failure and RELEASE SAVEPOINT <savepoint> on success, and only attempt a
> single command within the savepoint, to avoid confusing Storm's caches.

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