[storm] Exception handling

Stuart Bishop stuart.bishop at canonical.com
Thu Sep 20 02:54:45 BST 2007

akira wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am trying to handle exceptions returned from the DB API. For example, 
> I have a UNIQUE constraint on a field, when I try to save an object that 
> violates this I get this:
> "duplicate key violates unique constraint"
> So trying to handle the errors properly so that I can return the right 
> error to the user I have done some testing:
>  try:
>             store.add(user)
>             store.flush()          
>  except Exception,e:
>             print e.__class__.__name__       # this emits an 
> "IntegrityError"
>             print Exception.__str__(e)          # this print s"duplicate 
> key violates unique constraint "users_username_key'"
>             if Exception.__str__(e) == 'duplicate key violates unique 
> constraint "users_username_key':

You appear to me missing a double quote here.

When sniffing PostgreSQL exceptions, I always just use
str(e).startswith(...) or similar to match just a portion of the error
rather than the entire thing. Its still flakey in the face of localized
PostgreSQL installs and strings being changed across PG releases, but it is
the best we can do with psycopg1 as the driver (I vaguely recall psycopg2
making it so we no longer need to sniff the strings).


except psycopg.IntegrityError, c:
    if 'violates unique constraint' in str(e):
        print "Username is already taken."

> Why does the first "if" conditional not work? Is this the right way to 
> handle such a problem? Should I try to handle all the exceptions that 
> might crop up? I am using postgresql, can I find all the defined 
> Exceptional that I would like to handle there?

I doubt you want to handle *all* of them:

I suspect you just want to catch all the integrity errors and return a human
readable string. Everything else is a programming or runtime error beyond
the user's control. This will also catch not null and foreign key
violations, which should never get as far as the DB. It also catches check
constraint violations, which *ideally* shouldn't (Our check constraints are
duplicated in Python on the app side, and the app side constraints are often
stricter than the db ones since there is less overhead in changing or
tweaking them. The DB constraints are really only there as a safety net).

I haven't looked into how to use savepoints with Storm to avoid needing to
rollback the entire transaction if an integrity error is triggered, but it
should be simple enough if you always ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT <savepoint> on
failure and RELEASE SAVEPOINT <savepoint> on success, and only attempt a
single command within the savepoint, to avoid confusing Storm's caches.

Stuart Bishop <stuart.bishop at canonical.com>   http://www.canonical.com/
Canonical Ltd.                                http://www.ubuntu.com/

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