[storm] Commit/ flushes failing

akira nhytro-python at web.de
Tue Sep 18 11:13:10 BST 2007

Hi all,

I´ve noticed something very strange:

from storm.locals import *

database = 

class User(object):
    __storm_table__ = "users"
    id = Int(primary=True)
    username = Unicode()
    password = Unicode()
    email = Unicode()

store = Store(database)
user = User()
user.username = u'voltron'
user.password = u'password1'
user.email = u'email at site.com'


resultset = jobseeker_store.find(User, User.username == u"voltron")
print [row.password for row in resultset]

This alway returns an empty resultset. The flush() and commits() do not 
work and absolutely no exceptions or errors are thrown, does anyone else 
have this problem?

Windows 2000
python 2.4
Storm 0.10 2.4

Thanks for any help

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