[storm] persistable members in a dict?

Tom Vaughan tom at software6.net
Tue Sep 11 19:29:02 BST 2007


As an example, I'd like to have a class that looks like:

class Channel(Persistable):

        __storm_table__ = 'channel'

        channelno = Int(primary=True)

        __attrs__ = {
                'frequency': {
                        'uom': 'GHz',
                        'value': Float(),

This is so I can attach metadata (like unit of measure is Hz or GHz)
to object members. And also so that I can have, for example, a toxml
method that would produce:

<channel><frequency uom="GHz">2.4</frequency></channel>

by easily iterating over __attrs__, and using the class name and the
'value' of the __attrs__ dict as special cases. And, if Persistable
above properly overrides __getattr__ and __setattr__, I can still do:

channel.frequency = 2.4

I know that I've hardcoded the metadata, and that the metadata won't
be stored in the database. I'm not worried about that now. And I
really don't want to subclass Int, Float, etc. for all the different
types of data I have and store each of these in their own table, etc.
I want something that (to me at least) is quick and simple, and a way
to collect all of the persistable members into one data structure. But
of course this breaks:


Hopefully this is clear. Can anyone think of a way I could do this?
Perhaps by extending Store?



Website: www.software6.net
E-mail/Google Talk: tom (at) software6 (dot) net
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