[storm] Exceptions

akira nhytro-python at web.de
Fri Sep 7 09:18:58 BST 2007

Hi Chrsitopher!

Thanks for the tip and link, please keep up with the good work, I 
imagine that its not a trivial task to document Storm.

Best regards!

Christopher Armstrong wrote:
> On 8/31/07, *akira* <nhytro-python at web.de 
> <mailto:nhytro-python at web.de>> wrote:
>     Hi there!
>     Is there a list of Exceptions somewhere that I can programm
>     against? For
>     example when a database throws an error about a field constraint being
>     unique, or cascading errors?
> Hi akira. dbapi exceptions are all in storm.exceptions, as subclasses 
> of DatabaseError. They will be raised whenever dbapi says they will be 
> raised, according to Storm's usage (which unfortunately is not totally 
> clear). Ideally the API documentation will include full information 
> about what methods raise which exceptions. I've been working on it 
> gradually, but there's more to do. Patches accepted :-) But what we 
> have so far is here: http://twistedmatrix.com/users/radix/storm-api/
> -- 
> Christopher Armstrong
> International Man of Twistery
> http://radix.twistedmatrix.com/
> http://twistedmatrix.com/
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