[storm] question about relationships

Gustavo Niemeyer gustavo at niemeyer.net
Mon Aug 6 23:20:58 BST 2007

Hello Shawn,

> hello there, i am wondering what i may be doing wrong here.
> i have a pair of classes in a module called storm_rain.py
> both fail with an error 'no field date_time in fields list'
> the debug shows the sql trying to create the VoltSensor with VoltHit
> attributes.

I suspect there's something incoherent in the schema/types provided
to Storm.  You say that you have similarly named classes (volt*, rain*),
and your table for VoltHit is named "rain_hits", for instance.

As I explained online, it's pretty easy to spot the error if you provide
a reproducer, but it'll be hard to tell you what's wrong without more
concrete data in this case.

Gustavo Niemeyer

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