[storm] question about relationships

shawn bright nephish at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 22:40:34 BST 2007

hello there, i am wondering what i may be doing wrong here.

i have a pair of classes in a module called storm_rain.py

from storm.locals import *

class VoltSensor(Storm):
    __storm_table__ = "volt_sensors"
    id = Int(primary=True, default = AutoReload)
    monitor = Unicode()
    adder, multiplier = Float(), Float()
    last_value, last_raw, last_page = Float(), Float(), Float()
    enable, error, alias  = Unicode(), Unicode(), Unicode()
    x, y, one_day_rain_total = Float(), Float(), Float()
    last_report, last_page_time = DateTime(), DateTime()

    volt_hits = ReferenceSet(id, "VoltHit.volt_sensor_id")

class VoltHit(Storm):
    __storm_table__ = "rain_hits"
    id = Int(primary=True)
    volt_sensor_id = Int()
    raw, value = Float(), Float()
    date_time = DateTime()

now, i run this in a thread that reads information in as the sensors report
in, and we update the current value of the sensor
and create a record of the report. ( hit = report )

i have tried a few things. i mostly need in this thread for the RainSensor
to have updated the last raw, last value, and last report ( it's the time of
the report )

no problem..
the problem is when i starts to create the VoltHit. the debug info that
shows the queries output shows that it is always trying to create another
VoltSensor, but with the attributes of a VoltHit.  for example:
print 'update v-sensor values'
volt_sensor.last_raw = raw
volt_sensor.last_value = value
volt_sensor.last_report = datetime.datetime.now()
print 'create the data hit'
# log into history
hit = VoltageHit()
hit.volt_sensor_id = volt_sensor.id
hit.raw, hit.value = raw, value
hit.date_time = datetime.datetime.now()

i have also tried

both fail with an error 'no field date_time in fields list'
the debug shows the sql trying to create the VoltSensor with VoltHit

like so:
Insert into volt_sensors ( date_time, raw, value, volt_sensor_id) Values (
datetime.datetime (yadda yadda), 23.3, 27.8, 3455)

i did manage to make it work like this, but this is kinda the reason i was
trying to move more towards storm than just SQL.
 query = "insert into voltage_hits set \
                `volt_sensor_id` = '"+str(volt_sensor.id)+"' ,\
                `raw` = '"+str(raw)+"' ,\
                `value` = '"+str(value)+"' ,\
                `date_time` = '"+str(datetime.datetime.now())+"' "

i only have self.store.commit() in here once.
and i have other types of sensors that are processed in the same thread loop
( rain_sensors, current_sensors, status_sensors, etc... each with their own
'hits' table ( rain_hits, status_hits, etc.. ) so there are usually a lot of
objects floating around in the store before a commit is issued.

any idea what i am doing wrong? or a better practice that could prevent


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