The OOo, LibreOffice Tale Should Be a Warning To Canonical, Other FOSS Projects
Basil Chupin
blchupin at
Wed Apr 20 05:10:10 UTC 2011
On 20/04/11 11:56, Samuel Thurston wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Liam Proven<lproven at> wrote:
>> I believe Mint 11 is going with GNOME 2.32 but I don't know if GNOME 2
>> /has/ a future any more. 2.32 might be the last ever release of the
>> 2.xx codebase. Perhaps it will be like KDE - where distros hung on to
>> the aging 3.x codebase until the shiny new 4.x codebase matured a bit
>> and people got used to it.
> I think it's unlikely that GNOME 2 has a future as you mean it. I do
> suspect you're right though, that distributions will hang on until 3.x
> is in a better state.
> Personally I'm beginning to tire of GNOME. What was once a reasonable
> improvement over some of the available options *coughFVWMcough* has
> become a bloated un-configurable nightmare. I may head over to KDE
> land for a while to see how things are over there.
Which is the way I'll be heading, in the final analysis.
I have already expressed my thoughts in private messages: KDE is there
for the long haul and at least will not suddenly change within 6 months
into some DE which is unproductive.
I am getting too old to waste my time fooling around with something
which some kids in short pants came up while smoking some "magical
substances" behind the toilet block; I now want stability and
reliability and not uncertainty and insecurity.
So, yes, I am now certain that I will be going back to where I started
from: KDE - and openSUSE (which, BTW, has an offtopic mail list where it
is possible to discuss anything, provided that it is within reason and
not foul-mouthed abusive crud, and it is moderated but the mail list
itself is NOT archived nor accessed by google-doogle).
Great Man reaches complete understanding of the main issues; Petty Man reaches complete understanding of the minute details."
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