[ADMIN] [ANNOUNCE] This list
Samuel Thurston
sam.thurston at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 16:13:43 UTC 2011
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 10:11 AM, J. L. <jl.ffm at gmx.net> wrote:
> Am 08.04.2011 22:58 schrieb Samuel Thurston:
>> So, Alan, I will attempt to show up for the meeting but I want to make
>> sure that the following points are perfectly clear should I be unable
>> to attend:
>> 1) so far the overwhelming majority of responding list users reject
>> the proposal for shutdown
>> 2) on the basis of presented evidence your thesis is not accepted as fact
>> 3) sounder serves a useful, legitimate role in the Ubuntu community as
>> a place for community members to discuss Ubuntu, Linux and computing
>> issues outside the scope of other community lists.
>> 4) if you proceed to seek shutdown regardless of 1,2 & 3, please
>> accept the following counterproposals:
>> a) do nothing, as there is no consensus that anything need be done
>> b) if there is a sense that something must be done, light touch
>> should be employed: warn and block access to habitual offenders of the
>> community CoC
>> c) if it is felt that (b) is inadequate, assign a list moderator
>> & a clear statement of what is to be considered OT. The traffic is
>> not high enough that this is an overwhelming burden.
>> 5) Whatever the problem is, throwing baby out with bathwater should
>> not be considered a favorable option.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Samuel
> I suppose i'm too short a (primarily only "listening" / reading)
> subscriber to sounder to fully judge / appreciate the worth of this list
> but at least the five points above deserve nothing less than 100 % of my
> approval => FULL ACK!
> Really excellent writing and argumenting! Thanks a lot for Your
> thoughts! :-)
> J. L.
> P.S.:
> Usually it is much more easy to destroy s.th. or to shut s.th. down than
> it is to build s.th. from scratch.
> At least in just under some seven weeks i am subscribed to this list i
> honestly have to admit that up i did not feel offended by any thread so
> far. But i have to admit that of course i do not read every single post
> but only those that seem to be interesting guessing from the subject
> matter. But from this quite short experience i can not realize any real
> problem whatsoever ...!
Given that Avi Greenbury raised the issue:
"This list is utterly not what people who sign up to it are likely to
expect, going on the mailman description."
Your short-term experience is very important. Thanks for the
compliments and your insights.
Having been active on the list at various levels for several years, I
almost agree with Avi's statement, except that just because it's not
what you expect doesn't mean it's not good. Perhaps returning the
mailman description to the original "anything goes" wording would fix
that issue.
I read through a substantial chunk of the archives over the weekend.
With rare exception, the list has remained predominantly civil and
topical since its formation.
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