[ADMIN] [ANNOUNCE] This list

J. L. jl.ffm at gmx.net
Mon Apr 11 15:11:17 UTC 2011

Am 08.04.2011 22:58 schrieb Samuel Thurston:

> So, Alan, I will attempt to show up for the meeting but I want to make
> sure that the following points are perfectly clear should I be unable
> to attend:
> 1) so far the overwhelming majority of responding list users reject
> the proposal for shutdown
> 2) on the basis of presented evidence your thesis is not accepted as fact
> 3) sounder serves a useful, legitimate role in the Ubuntu community as
> a place for community members to discuss Ubuntu, Linux and computing
> issues outside the scope of other community lists.
> 4) if you proceed to seek shutdown regardless of 1,2 & 3, please
> accept the following counterproposals:
>      a) do nothing, as there is no consensus that anything need be done
>      b) if there is a sense that something must be done, light touch
> should be employed: warn and block access to habitual offenders of the
> community CoC
>      c) if it is felt that (b) is inadequate, assign a list moderator
> & a clear statement of what is to be considered OT.  The traffic is
> not high enough that this is an overwhelming burden.
> 5) Whatever the problem is, throwing baby out with bathwater should
> not be considered a favorable option.
> Thanks and regards,
> Samuel

I suppose i'm too short a (primarily only "listening" / reading)
subscriber to sounder to fully judge / appreciate the worth of this list
but at least the five points above deserve nothing less than 100 % of my
approval => FULL ACK!

Really excellent writing and argumenting! Thanks a lot for Your
thoughts! :-)

J. L.

Usually it is much more easy to destroy s.th. or to shut s.th. down than
it is to build s.th. from scratch.

At least in just under some seven weeks i am subscribed to this list i
honestly have to admit that up i did not feel offended by any thread so
far. But i have to admit that of course i do not read every single post
but only those that seem to be interesting guessing from the subject
matter. But from this quite short experience i can not realize any real
problem whatsoever ...!

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