[ADMIN] [ANNOUNCE] This list

J dreadpiratejeff at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 13:37:22 UTC 2011

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 08:14, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8 April 2011 13:11, Avi Greenbury <lists at avi.co> wrote:
>> Liam Proven wrote:
>>> Translation: "I don't like the playground, the kids there are mean. So
>>> I want it closed."
>> Not really. This list is utterly not what people who sign up to it are
>> likely to expect, going on the mailman description. If Canonical wanted to
>> be hosting a mailing list dedicated to religious and political discussion,
>> they'd do so and describe it as such.
>> ubuntu-users is supposed to be for technical support; this list is supposed
>> to be where the conversations that are not strictly technical support, but
>> still ubuntu-related in some way, end up.
> If they want a focussed list, then it needs to be moderated. If it's
> unmoderated, wibble happens. Personally, I do not see wibble to be a
> problem.


And to add to that, I think that removing Sounder would simply cause
these types of discussions to start happening in other lists more
frequently.  I sit on a few of them, but not all, so perhaps my view
is limited, but in general, the other lists seem to *usually* stay on
topic and when OT things popup, they are *usually* quickly moved with
a polite "This doesn't belong here, move it to Sounder and discuss to
your heart's content".

So Sounder, while maybe straying WIDELY off topic from time to time,
serves well as a grounding rod that keeps the noise lower on the
other, more topical lists.

Besides, this is the first REAL OT discussion I've seen in a while.

To be honest, rather than being the child who takes his ball and runs
home when the other kids don't play by the rules, the ones who
egregiously break the rules should be put in moderation until they
calm down.

Personally, I find the OT discussions on Sounder to be rather
entertaining, and often fascinating, and a welcome diversion from the
very specific discussions on the rest of the Ubuntu lists.


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