Ubuntu 11.10 makes Unity compulsory

Michael Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 15:25:47 UTC 2011

On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Cybe R. Wizard
<cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 10:55:56 -0400
> Michael Haney <thezorch at gmail.com> wrote:
>> His view is the same as most every other Christian.
> That's so completely false as to be pretty funny and plainly shows
> your own prejudice. I am not, nor have I ever been a Christian.  I was
> not raised in a Christian atmosphere nor was I ever indoctrinated in
> Christianity.  I have never yet been (and hope never to be) a religious
> person /at all/.
> In fact, each and all religions seem quite silly to me.  At least they
> would were they not so fatal to non-believers.
> Read what I've written with eyes open.  Do your own research.  The
> Israeli government was originally formed /for Jewish people/.  Its laws
> are Jewish laws.
> This does not make it bad, wrong or despicable.  In fact, quite the
> contrary; Israel shows more honesty about their actions than does the
> USA.
> The government has even delayed writing a constitution in order to keep
> Jewish law above secular law.  Because they have other religious in
> their country and tolerate other religions makes not one whit of
> difference to the facts that they have always been a Jewish state.

Never have a met a person more delusional.

I'm against all forms of religion because they promote separation, and
aggression against those not of the same faith.  To be more accurate,
I'm against the dogma that infects most religions.  It is that which
is the cause of most of the world's problems, and has been a problem
for human civilization for centuries.  Some religions have a good
message if you ignore the dogma, and for some people that message is
what they need to hear in their current spiritual evolution.  The
dogma is that part which was made by men of power seeking to use faith
to control people's actions.  And if Israel doesn't have a
constitution then that is what is happening.  They are a nation ruled
by dogma, and thus can never show tolerance towards other faiths and
will never know peace.  Once they abandon the dogma and establish the
rule of secular law then peace can finally become a reality.  Dogma
promotes separation, it promotes the dehumanizing of those not of the
same belief, and it promotes aggression.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
"The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking
of morality by religion." ~ Arthur C. Clarke
"The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion and
politics, but it is not the path to knowledge, and there is no place
for it in the endeavor of science. " ~ Carl Sagan

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