Ubuntu 11.10 makes Unity compulsory

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 4 15:25:41 UTC 2011

On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 11:03:34 -0400
Michael Haney <thezorch at gmail.com> wrote:

> You know its funny, before we went off on a debate about Israel we
> were all complaining how bad Unity was going to be.  But, 11.04 hasn't
> even been released yet and who knows what changes will occur between
> now and then.  I'm certain Canonical won't allow a blatantly defective
> UI loose on the community.  They've got to be way smarter than that.
> In the Linux world, just like the gaming world, you fuck up and people
> will go elsewhere and it will be a bitch to get people to come back.
> Also, Unity is a new DE

I'm not picking on you, Michael, really, I'm not.  BUT Unity is not a
DE, it is a GUI for the DE, GNOME. (which is still there and not going
away (yet))

> , so there are bound to be issues and Canonical
> can't find them all on their own, so the community is going to have to
> help them find those issues as they use 11.04 so that 11.10 can be a
> better release.
> I do agree that Unity shouldn't be compulsory though

...and it isn't. ..yet.

> , and Canonical
> should have the classic Gnome 2 desktop pre-installed for those who
> want to switch.

...and it does. ..so far.

>  Perhaps they should give users an incentive of some
> kind for using Unity and reporting any bugs that need to be ironed
> out.  I don't know what that incentive could be, but it would get more
> people to want to use Unity and help make Ubuntu a better distro.
Like you, I have (!! oh, the horror!) faith that Ubu with Unity will
somehow endeavour to persevere.  /Surely/ they won't be shooting
themselves in the foot so badly.

Cybe R. Wizard
Registered GNU/Linux user # 126326
Registered Ubuntu User # 2136

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