Action in Ubuntu Users
dreadpiratejeff at
Mon Sep 13 23:53:24 BST 2010
On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 12:28, Douglas Pollard <dougpol1 at> wrote:
> On 09/13/2010 10:53 AM, David Gerard wrote:
>> On 13 September 2010 15:49, Douglas Pollard<dougpol1 at> wrote:
>>> If such a thing were workable it could move Linux more into the
>>> public eye as well as a very important alternative system. Any way, I
>>> told them I would place the question on line to some of the Linux groups
>>> to see if any of this made any sense to people who understand Linux and
>>> software far more than I do
>> Linux is Unix, so this is entirely feasible. Look up UUCP and Usenet
>> on Wikipedia. You don't even need the Internet - UUCP can run over any
>> sort of connection. It was originally for just dialup modems, back
>> when 19200 bits per second was *amazing*.
> The ham operators that I talked to feel that they partially because they
> are such a monority and out of focus to an enemy power have an
> obligation to provide emegency radio service to the world if needed.
> They Jumped on the idea that Linux users might well have the same
> obligation. Anyway I thought it was an interesting thing to
> consider. Doug
This is already KINDA done to a certain degree... if you remember the
days of the BBSs, there are still, AFAIK, Ham based BBSs that run via
packet over RF. Also, there are digital modes that allow for data
transfer at least between stations, and companies like Yaesu and Icom
had been messing with ways of setting up digital repeaters that would
allow data share between multiple radios, if memory serves...
However, as a relatively young Ham (I have the neckbeard only when it
suits me), and having worked these situations before, having internet
access or even much data transfer is usually dead last in priority.
At the point where Ham Radio REALLY becomes the only option, the info
needed is just as easily sent and received via voice or CW. The true
emergency traffic is handled over all else, then health and welfare
info and messages are sent secondary.
That being said, there is also already a significant amount of Ham
related code built into the kernel, and the repositories have a LOT of
ham related software. It's interesting stuff, for sure...
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