Action in Ubuntu Users
Douglas Pollard
dougpol1 at
Mon Sep 13 15:49:54 BST 2010
On 09/13/2010 01:25 AM, NoOp wrote:
> On 09/11/2010 07:59 AM, Douglas Pollard wrote:
>> I dropped out of Ubuntu users,( but will be back as I need the list) not
>> because I couldn't stand all the who ha, but because between it and
>> other lists I was getting tons of mail. I go off sailing every weekend
>> and when I come home I was having 500 emails in the inbox and most of it
>> was off topic. I am guilty of getting caught up in these arguments but
>> whish it would stop to some extent to displine me some, as well as
>> everyone else. I find that all that depresses me just a little, I
>> guess because it is unpleasant. That kind of disagreement goes on here
>> in sounder but seems ok as that is what I expect here so I see the
>> arguments here as relevant.
> Given that you use Thunderbird, use nntp/ to read/respond to
> the list. Why waste time& bandwidth continuing to download emails when
> you can use a newsreader for the list?
> When you see a thread going wild just hit 'k' and it will kill the
> thread (at least it does on SeaMonkey which uses the same code).
> As for sailing... off to the Rolex Big Boat Series this week& the
> following week to the Melges 32 World Championship (on-water RC). Fair
> winds& good sailing to you.
I sail most weekends but at 76 years old I have moved back down to a
smaller boat, Albin Vega 27. I do my navigation using a netbook
computer useing Opencpn With a GPS puck in Ubuntu. Great system! This
past weekend while my boat was hauled out on dry land with me painting
her I had a conversation with some ham radio operators. We were all
drinking beer under a tent roof in an outside restaurant. The
conversation got to be kind of far out as beer talk does. The Hams were
talking about the uses of ham radio in a national emergency. I brought
up the idea that if the Internet were attacked that maybe it might be
possible that the Linux community and the Hamm community might be able
to set up a rudimentary Internet for emergency use. Maybe e-mail only.
I was telling them that many home computers that use Linux might easily
be converted to servers for emergency use. All this was a kind of
drunken speculation on my part and their enthusiasm was likely beer
induced as well. I was thinking since Ubuntu represents a small portion
of the computers in use and requires permission to get viruses into they
may well be ignored by an attacker until a week or more after they were
in use in a radio net. It would likely be a little harder to break into
a Linux based net than one using mostly Windows so it might preserve the
use of such a net a lttle longer.
If such a thing were workable it could move Linux more into the
public eye as well as a very important alternative system. Any way, I
told them I would place the question on line to some of the Linux groups
to see if any of this made any sense to people who understand Linux and
software far more than I
do. Doug
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