The Final Straw

Chris Puttick cputtick at
Wed Sep 8 15:36:29 BST 2010

On 8 September 2010 15:03,  <sounder-request at> wrote:
> Send sounder mailing list submissions to
>        sounder at
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 10:00:32 +0100
> From: Alan Pope <alan at>
> Subject: Re: The Final Straw
> To: Michael Haney <thezorch at>
> Cc: sounder at
> Message-ID:
>        <AANLkTikb1PXbh0AwWxBAp4yVpbAj785GBb_jGHTscbSw at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi Michael,
> On 8 September 2010 08:22, Michael Haney <thezorch at> wrote:
>> Several versions ago Ubuntu once had a feature where you could go to
>> the same window where you selected your screen resolution, then click
>> on a tab and manually select your monitor hardware. ?After this
>> feature was removed myself a very large number of others have had
>> problems with Ubuntu. ?The main problem is we cannot install the 3D
>> accelerated drivers, because if we do our screen resolution is limited
>> to an unusable 640x480.
> Sounds like the resolution detection code needs fixing rather than
> having a manual bodge app to work around that brokenness.

Ahh, no, not necessarily - I can give you two specific instances in
which auto-detection will not work (even for those using modern
Microsoft or Apple operating systems <gasp>) and why, therefore, there
needs to be a SAX2 app *for those that need it* so the resolution can
be correctly set (and stored such that the crazy auto-config system
doesn't over-write it on next boot):

(i) if pin (number I forget) on your VGA cable is badly terminated or
fallen off(!), the monitor will function fine visually but
auto-detection will fail[1];

(ii) entry level monitor switchers (KMM devices, can't say KVM anymore
it confuses me...) don't correctly pass monitor information through,
causing auto-detection to fail;

(iii) so I said two, but like the Spanish Inquisition, I thought of
another while I was telling you about the first where using
auto-detect is an arse - if you are visually impaired how do you see
which app to use to turn the resolution down?

[1] Ok, so Win7 users don't have VGA cables and Apple users never,
ever have faulty stuff... And sure this wouldn't be Kubuntu's fault,
but it'll sure look like it to the person trying to set the resolution
in the user-friendly modern OS!



> End of sounder Digest, Vol 74, Issue 2
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