Internet blacklist bill
Johnneylee Rollins
johnneylee.rollins at
Thu Oct 28 19:16:31 BST 2010
Here's something rather related and important if you ask me.
Thanks to your help, we got the Internet blacklist bill tabled until after
the election. But now the big guys are fighting back: the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce just sent a letter *demanding the Senate pass the bill as soon as
they come back* in November.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is one of the most powerful groups in
Washington -- you may have heard about the $75 million they're spending this
year to get their favorite politicians elected. That's on top of hundreds of
millions they've already spent on lobbyists. If they're going to take us on,
*we need to fight back*.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce draws support from local businesses all across
the country who join through local chambers of commerce. Many of these
locals have no idea about the extreme agenda their money is supporting. So
we're letting them know -- and pressuring them to quit today.
Can you sign our petition to your local chamber? It just takes a second --
click here. <>Then,
please forward this email to your friends.
It's not just the Internet blacklist bill the Chamber has been pushing for.
They've fought to let ISPs block BitTorrent and even tried to stop a treaty
letting blind people share ebooks ("[it] creates a bad precedent by
loosening copyright restrictions, instead of tightening them as every
previous copyright treaty has done").
Even many businesses find them too extreme -- in just the past couple days,
several businesses and local chambers have decided to quit. With your help,
we can turn this spark into a nationwide trend and deal a serious blow to
our biggest opponent.
Click here to sign our petition today. Don't worry, we'll deliver it for
you. <>
Thanks again for being a fighter,
-- Aaron Swartz and the Demand Progress team
P.S. Please forward this email on so we can get more people writing letters!
Paid for by Demand Progress (<>)
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions
are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax
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