The Linux desktop is about to get a LOT faster

Samuel Thurston sam.thurston at
Fri Nov 19 15:45:37 GMT 2010

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Christopher Chan
<christopher.chan at> wrote:

>> B) something seems odd about the performance testing numbers posted to
>> the lkml.  I can't put my finger on it and don't have the time to run
>> proper benchmarks of my own at the moment.  This weekend perhaps I'll
>> add the Lennart method on my home machine and see how it feels. What
>> concerns me is that because the cgroups are tty-bound you won't see
>> performance increases on system services and things like networking
>> (for which the benchmark numbers do not account.) that's just a hunch
>> though.
> Oh, I was only thinking about the desktop. I did not notice that system
> services were implicated too in the 233 line patch.

Services are processes like any other.  point being that "system
level" services (basically anything started from /etc/rc.?) won't be
executing your .bashrc prior to running.    This covers networking,
audio,, and so on.

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