Default Ubuntu applications

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at
Thu Mar 4 15:00:31 GMT 2010

Jan Claeys wrote:
> Op dinsdag 02-03-2010 om 19:11 uur [tijdzone +0000], schreef David
> Gerard:
> > (It baffles me that Canonical still considers Evolution a marvellous
> > default email application. Who the heck actually uses it? WHY?
> > WHY?) 
> That's easy: there is no other open source desktop mail/collaboration
> client that has all the features Evolution has...

That would make a good case for Evolution being the default
mail/collaboration client. I'd imagine that most people, particularly
those to whom the default install is of some significance, what a mail
client that just works.

What Evolution's got above the others is pretty poor Exchange support
(as against the others having none). I can't think of anything that
Evolution struck me as doing particularly well. Though, apart from my
attempts at replacing Outlook with it, I think I've only really tried
using it as a basic mail client.

Avi Greenbury.

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