Default Ubuntu applications

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at
Tue Mar 2 23:46:18 GMT 2010

On 02-03-10 20:06, Tero Pesonen wrote:

>>> And Gnome *is* ugly.
>> Well, this is your opinion, and of course you are welcome to it, but I
>> think it says a lot that Ubuntu with GNOME is now the most-used Linux
>> desktop in the world, by a large margin, and that GNOME is also the
>> default desktop of Fedora&  OpenSolaris, not to mention Mint. It is
>> clearly not *that* bad!
> That was simply a response to someone's saying KDE is ugly. Just because
> someone says it is so, does not make it so, was my point. it is easy to
> throw one-liners such as "KDE is ugly, ugh." etc. They do not amount to
> much.

KDE and Gnome are both ugly.

Whoa, there are *other* interfaces than KDE or Gnome? Well yes, for 
example I use Openbox, and a friend uses Ion3. By the way, he is a BSD 
user. Sorry, a BSD kernel developer.

Whoa, there are *other* operating systems than Windows, OSX and Linux??? 
Wait a minute before I get a brain overload.


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