Default Ubuntu applications

David Gerard dgerard at
Tue Mar 2 17:40:53 GMT 2010

On 2 March 2010 16:16, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:

> Worse still is the argument that goes "I like KDE, therefore, anyone
> who doesn't like KDE is wrong and anything that does not use KDE is
> broken or crippled."

Or your previous email, which could reasonably be summarised as "I
don't like KDE, therefore, anyone who does like KDE is wrong and
anything that does use KDE is broken or crippled."

It's all a matter of personal taste. Really really.

(I've found n00bs cope better with KDE 3 than GNOME because it
basically looks just like XP. PIty it's not being developed any more.)

- d.

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