Hardy->Karmic booting locked-room mystery

Kevin Hunter hunteke at earlham.edu
Fri Jan 15 14:12:41 GMT 2010

At 7:45pm -0500 Thu, 14 Jan 2010, David Gerard wrote:
> 2010/1/15 Samuel Thurston, III:
>> usb booting may be something you have to enable in the bios, and may
>> or may not require a bios upgrade which might require a boot cdrom...
>> could you use a USB cdrom to boot? I know you say it doesn't boot from
>> usb but the cdrom devices work differently I think. If not you could
>> still run Wubi from a cd after booting to windows, though I am not
>> sure this will help you fix the problem.
> For that, it would help if I had a USB CD, which I don't ;-)

Alright, so the machine is old enough that the BIOS isn't much help
anymore.  Have you considered taking the hard drive out and using an
IDE-USB converter and another machine?  The device will cost you on the
order of 25 USD.

Newegg/Ebay to the rescue.


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