It�s Official � The FCC Will Vote to Take Over the Internet in December

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Fri Dec 24 07:20:14 GMT 2010

On 24/12/2010 17:45, Christopher Chan wrote:
> On Friday, December 24, 2010 02:23 PM, Robert Holtzman wrote:
>>>>>>          I sail my own boat and have made several ocean crossings alone.  I
>>>>>> am sure no one here knows but the world has joined and made that illegal
>>>>>> activity.  I did not post this to be off topic but instead to show what
>>>>>> will almost surly happen to the Internet if we users do not fight
>>>>>> government intervention.
>>>>> Sorry, until there is a world government, you bet that you cannot just
>>>>> sail from any point to just any point in the world.
>>>> Did you mean "can" or "cannot"? Seems to me it should be "can".
>>> Oh, you certainly can do so. You just have to deal with the coastguards.
>>> I'd certainly have to answer if I get caught trying to sail out of Hong
>>> Kong without informing the Marine/Immigration/Customs Department. So
>>> unless Douglas is yapping about something else...we need a world
>>> government to do away with a whole load of crap issues due to a divided
>>> world.
>> That's one solution even I can't swallow.
> What's wrong with a world government? Of course, not one that is like
> any of the current ones. Anyway, if you would rather live in society
> like today's world that is divided by politics, religion and big
> business, that is your prerogative.


May I suggest that you spend a bit of time and read 3 books called the 
"Mars Trilogy" (Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars) by Kim Stanley Robinson 
who was awarded the Hugo Award)? The books' genre is "Science Fiction".

The last book was written in 1996 and yet it covers the subject you are 
now trying to express.

Just like George Orwell's novel, "Nineteen Eighty-four".

What Orwell wrote about is now with us.

Robinson's books are along the same lines - and current events are 
already evidenced in what he wrote.

Your interpretation of the written works in the Mars Trilogy will 
probably differ - but at least read them.


"Everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die."

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